A Child Is Born

The real meaning of Christmas...

For God so loved the world that 
He gave His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, 
so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. 
(John 3:16)

Two Worlds

  We come from two different worlds but
that silly thing called 
brought us together...

and so we continue to shine brightly for each other...

for how long?

as long as Love exists...


Christmas in Paris

We would love to be in Paris this Christmas!

Mangapunksai Pretending that we're already on our way to Paris doesn't hurt... 

We simply just have to brush up with our poor French skills.

If someone would offer me a fashion makeover,

I'd absolutely say OUI to it!!! w00t!

Vouloir, c'est pouvoir!!!

The time difference makes me feel really sleepy now!

Je vais pieuter ~

Fais de beaux rĂªves Here's a kiss for you, my love!

Christmas Angels

He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake 

He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

Lord Jesus,

Please forgive me for being so grumpy 
as I trudge through the never-ending tasks 
set before me this holiday season...

My to-do list seems to keep growing 
and I'm running short of time!

Restore the joy of Christmas to my heart . . .
and help me to relax each day and make time for
my one true Source of Joy.

Give Me Your Eyes

You've been watching me for a while 
and you like what you see
It's in the eyes of the beholder
Now give them to me...

Give me your eyes that seem to light my face...

from The Cardigans, "Give me your Eyes"
