Island in the Sky

 The mountain tops called us today and so up we went for a visit even if it was drizzling...

“Any one can sit at home and criticize a pilot for flying into a mountain in a fog. 

But I would rather by far die on a mountainside than in bed.” ~ ~ ~ Charles Lindbergh

“Mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery.” ~ ~ ~ John Ruskin

once in awhile, climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods...

 “Keep close to Nature’s heart…

 It washes your spirit clean.” ~ ~ ~ John Muir

 “Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit

 is the answer to the mystery why we climb.”
~ ~ ~ Greg Child

“If you are faced with a mountain, you have several options. 
You can climb it and cross to the other side. 
You can go around it. 
You can dig under it. 
You can fly over it. 
You can blow it up. 
You can ignore it and pretend it’s not there. 
You can turn around and go back the way you came. 
Or you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.”
~ ~ ~ Vera Nazarian

 “Today is your day! 
Your mountain is waiting...
So… get on your way!”
~ Dr. Seuss


Where Is Paradise Hidden?

Rest is not idleness... and to lie sometimes under the trees... 

listening to the murmur of the water...

or watching the clouds float across the sky, is definitely not a waste of time.

Today, San Fernando (about an hour and a half from Cebu City) was our perfect getaway.

We wanted to go to a place with cool fresh air...

and just be surrounded with nature...

We finally found what we were looking for...

tucked in the mountain area of the town 

is a place called Hidden Paradise...

It was exactly what we needed... 

for our tired and restless souls...

You know, sometimes, we get entangled in the confusions of life...

that we find ourselves going in a downward spiral...

I think every once in a while, it's important to go

 to some quiet places...
where you can sit and relax...

open your senses to cute little things that surround you... 
and just let go of your worries...

True friends are like bright sunflowers that never fade away...

Sometimes though, you just need to be alone...
not to be lonely...

but to enjoy being with your Self...

I don't get to see sunflower plants that much and I was just delighted to see them there...

Stand tall... Stand proud... 
Know that you are unique and magnificent...  

You do not need the approval of others...

friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold...

once, he whispered to my ear: "You are my sunshine Sun"
and then, I replied: "You are the reason why I shine brightly even in the dark... Hug

May you always glow with happiness Here's a kiss for you, my love!

just as we do w00t!

~ ~  ~

What to Do on a Rainy Day

We've been having rainy days lately 
and this morning was no exception.

So, what's best to do when it's raining outside?

TIP # 1  Eat out with friends or family

You're feeling cold, lazy and hungry. You need someone to cook for the whole gang.   There's no perfect time to dine out than on a rainy day! So, we went to MB's Tavern and had vegetarian pasta, pizza and salad.  It's a cozy place to dine in with great food.
(obviously, we forgot to take pictures as soon as our food was served on the table)

TIP # 2  Go somewhere you wouldn't normally go

After our brunch, for some reason, we went to Mactan Island Memorial Garden.

So, this isn't just a place for mourning.

It's got nice landscape

and very serene atmosphere...

do I even have to mention that?

They've got a playground too for children and for kids at heart like us...

TIP # 3 Check out some resorts or hotels nearby

Before we headed home, just out of the blue, we decided to drop by at Plantation Bay Resort.

By that time though, it rained more heavily...

we didn't even have the chance to walk around the place...

Moreso, the resort staff didn't allow us to go beyond the lobby...

Nevertheless, it was another memorable bonding time with friends... 

Oh when would we ever get tired of smiling at the camera? ^_^)
