On Top of the World with You

Today is just one of those days when I feel I'm on top of the world!

even if the sun is hidden behind the clouds ~

“If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?" 
~ Joe Namath

I will go there with you.. 

I will give myself to Love 
the way Love gave itself for me... 


something incredible is waiting to be known... 

 Take a breath. 

The world may get confusing at times
but rest assured, we'll be okay. 


Just The Bare Necessities

The Jungle Book was one of those cartoon movies that I enjoyed watching when I was a kid.  One song on its soundtrack that was embedded in my mind was "The Bare Necessities."  
As I was growing up, I've noticed all these changes in our world.  This so-called modernization makes it difficult for people nowadays to enjoy living a simple life.  

so don't spend your time lookin' around
For something you want that can't be found
When you find out you can live without it
And go along not thinkin' about it
I'll tell you something true...

The bare necessities of life will come to you!

You know, a lot of times, I feel like I'm some kind of a time-traveler... that I'm someone from the old century, and I'm just here traveling through time... silently observing every one... At first, I was amazed with how people can easily do things with just one press or with one click, however, I have noticed through the years how the modern world made the people feel sad, more materialistic and somehow disconnected...

I don't want to miss all the trees and the vast farms and fields that we used to have but everywhere I go, I see a few of them left to make space for factories, malls, buildings, etc...  I don't want to miss all the lakes, rivers, streams, and seas from where we source out our food and drinking water but these days, I worry about some kind of bacteria or contamination that I will get from it...  I don't want to miss how time seems to run slow, and how we spend our leisure time appreciating nature's beauty which used to surround us at every turn... but oh, how I miss the clean and fresh air...  

I don't want to miss how kids never hurry to grow up and enjoy their childhood days playing and running outdoors, catching insects, climbing trees... but have you ever seen a kid climb up a tree these days? Oh, I bet they don't even know what it feels like to be on a tree and stay there on its branches while you munch its fruits... and be friends with the ants, and spiders... Do they know that spiders can be wonderful playmates too?

Oh what have we done to our world?  What happened to us?  
When are we ever going to stop and realize that what we need is just the bare necessities... and be contented with it? Why do people always seem to want more of what they already have?  
Why don't we just focus on what really matters most?  Family... friendship... nature... are the precious gifts that God gave us... and it is our responsibility to take care of it, and nurture it... 


Hang 'Em Up

Children's birthday parties in the Philippines
almost always include "The Pabitin."

Pabitin literally means "to hang something up."

Traditionally, it's made up of a lattice of bamboo sticks.

As we celebrate our birthday month,
each team showcased their own uniquely-designed pabitins.

The game involves kids who gather under the pabitin
and as the pabitin is lowered and raised with a string or a pulley, 
the children are to grab hold of the goodies/ toys/ candies, etc.

I remember one time when we had a party,
my younger cousins 
(who were still around 3-6 years old at that time)
thought that we were just trying to amuse them.

It was so funny because they just looked up at it
and tried to touch the goodies but didn't bother to grab it.

They thought the objective of the game 
is simply to be able to reach and touch it.

Oh it would have been more fun if we invited kids to join our party!

The winner! Winner

~ hope we will always be kids at heart ~

We had a variety of birthday give-aways too!

Party Isn't it great to be a kid?!!!


Moments of Reflection

happy moments
praise God

difficult moments
seek God

quiet moments
worship God

painful moments
trust God

Every Moment
Thank God
